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PERÚ...“An Unique Experience”

We are 100% peruvian company, we started our activities on may 8, 2008, working uninterrupted till this date.
Offering from hotel reservations, air flights, Ticket of transport companies, railway ticket, among others; Among those who currently highlight our programs in Cultural Tourism, Mystics, Esoteric, Archaeological, Ecological and Adventure
Our clients find, everything they need to plan in the best way possible and without problems, their trip to visit the places they request or according to itineraries that we provide, depending on the type of activities they wish to develop.
We dedicate ourselves fundamentally to give a personalized service, watching carefully for integrity and quality services, which continuously innovates improving the expected expectations, for which we feel fully satisfied, making known the beautiful and magnificent tourist, cultural and natural resources with the that counts our Peruvian territory, promoting it and preserving what is ours, in a sustainable way supporting social inclusion.


We are an integrated company with personalized tourist services, with the intention of covering the entire Peruvian tourism sector, promoting sustainable tourism, making known the wonderful benefits of Millenary Peru.


KBC Travel, is a tourism services company that aims to be the best in its sector, constantly innovating tourism promotions, providing personalized services and excellent way to tourists; as well as the excellence of highly trained and knowledgeable personnel in the tourism field. In this way, it is intended to have subsidiaries throughout the country.


We seek the satisfaction of our clients, in a permanent way, based on the carefully planned work, which is interrelated with each one of our work areas, in order to have the total confidence of our clients, and that from then on we will lead in the tourism market that is only generated through trust, permanent innovation through efficiency, efficiency and service excellence. We will achieve all this with constant concern and continuous support from each of the members of our company, a human team properly trained to meet this challenge.


We promote, design, plan and operate programs as well as diversified products such as Conventional, Internal, Adventure, Ecotourism, Archeological, Mystic, Cultural, Excursions, Incentive Trips and trips tailored to the traveler, always with the guarantee of response at the moment . Thanks to monitoring, communication and strict control in all operations with our operators, associated companies and of course with our customers, KBC Travel is able to know its services and exceed its own expectations.
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